What is the Script?
Understanding scripts—the narratives or stories we form, carry with us, and draw from—is core to better thinking and stronger conversations.
Coming closer to naming the scripts, reflecting on them, questioning them, and considering new scripts is a big part of coaching.
On narrative coaching with clients, Chené Swart, PhD writes:
“Clients are connected to and shaped by the multiplicity of narratives of their own lives: the relationships they value, the communities and histories they come from, and the cities, nations, and economic systems that have formed them, as well as the narratives of the global world that they form part of through access to technology.
In the coaching conversation the multiplicity of narratives of the client are invited, welcomed, and explored, with all their ambiguity and competing natures, to come and be told, retold and re-storied.”
Q. What are the scripts you are running about yourself and others?
Sometimes it can be tricky to get perspective on this on your own. It all becomes a bit muddled and too interconnected to get clarity.
Coaching can cultivate your awareness of and ability to understand current scripts and resource you to re-write new stories where possible and needed?
Q. What informs the scripts you are running?
Q. How might you create space for other perspectives, new scripts?
New narratives can free you up. Allow you to lead yourself and others toward greater flourishing and common good.
Be Curious. Question the Scripts. See what Emerges.